Random Scenarios from a generator as prompts
1) Person A plays 'carol of the bells' on repeat. Person B can't tell when it will end or if it already ended and they started over
2)Person B invites Person A to a 'hangout',
but when Person A arrives it's a planned out date
3)Person A :I love you
Person B :you absolute dumbass.
4)Person A :*is sick in bed*
Person B :I said not to eat all that cookie
Person A :shut up, I'll fucking do it
5) Person B wears a heart shaped locket
with a picture of their favorite food instead of Person A.
6) Person B wears an 'I'm fucking tired'
T-shirt, and Person A wears an 'I'm tired' T-shirt.
7) Person A *play's christmas music*.
Person B :IT'S MAY!!
😎 Person
A :I'm gonna do a little dance
Person B :Not in front of plush animals!
9) Person A teaches Person B how to make a
flower crown
10) Person A wakes up their hair a mess
Person B tries to hold their laughter
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